We consider continuity management as a long term plan, and it is essentially that companies intricately project into the future when planning for unforeseen eventualities.
Indicators such as risk management KPI's, and PESTLE model are known indicators used when planning business continuity measures. Using these models and other equally useful models, companies can forecast with a mind set of uncertainty; therefore giving a broader perspective of the likely risk and issues.
The need to recognize that change is constant can not be over emphasised; hence the importance of effectively handling and management of change. Usually, we would advise that our client have in place measures or strategies that cope with unplanned and planned change. By having a strategy in place, it's easy to recover or even avoid high-risk issues from happening in the first place.
We can support you with planning and managing continuity, offering you a comprehensive specialist consulting service.
Area of our service are: User Acceptance Test(UAT), Impact analysis, Risk assessment etc
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