Events by Belem-B Consultancy Ltd

Are you thinking of organising an event or looking for an event of which you can network? Belem-B Consultancy Ltd is here to provide a relaxing, educative and entertaining atmosphere/themed event.


We work to bring quality events, which keeps you motivated all year round. We would like to hear from you; about event ideas and your event needs.

              Event Schedule 2016

Beneath the surface: Mindfulness

Beneath the surface: Mindfulness
A networking motivational session; Guest speaker Mr Phillip Burton and Mr Richard Jackson MBE will be speaking on “Mindfulness” and how being mindful can be applied to better living. Ms Cindy Hurn will be speaking on how you can apply this new found knowledge to changing your life patterns.

• They speak on "Mindfulness" and how being mindful can help your business grow.
• It’s a forum for B2B, B2C activities.
• An avenue for making new friends or meeting up with old friends
• It's an inspirational night-out, which aims to help you become a better you.
• It’s an event that aims to highlight Mental Health, and how we can support family members/people living with this condition.
• This event discusses “Mindfulness” as it relates to working with employees suffering with mental health issues.
• At the end of the night; there will be an auctioning of one commissioned painting titled: "Hope" with proceed going to the UK Mental Health charity called “Mind”
Painting by Nial Adams, web:
Painting Framed by: Anglia County Arts

Schedule of Event
5:00-5:45pm Welcoming and Drinks
5:45-6:00pm Compere directs attendees to main hall and introduces the event
6:00-6:30pm Mr Phil Burton- Referral institute Norfolk, Speaks on Mindfulness & Business
6:35-7:00pm Ice Breaker by Compere
7:00-7:40pm Mr Richard Jackson MBE- Mancroft International, Speaks on Mindfulness and the importance of conscious thinking
7:45:7:50pm Ice Breaker by Compere
7:50-8:20pm Ms Cindy Hurn- Cindy Hurn, speaks on Mindfulness and Change
8:25-8:40pm Mr Nial Adams- Big Norfolk skies Company, speak on his experience with depression
8:40-9:00pm Auction of Painting by Nial Adams with title: "Hope"

Please be aware: Drinks (Alcoholic and Non Alcoholic Beverage) and Canapes would be served on arrival

Date: 29th September 2016
Venue: The Narthex, Norwich, NR2 2PA
Times: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Cost: Early Bird Ticket: £60per person
Late Ticket: £70per person
Please be aware that a booking fee applies when you book via Eventbrite


Buy your Ticket @
Norwich & Central Norfolk Mind
50 Sale Road,

NB: At this event, our speakers will highlight the importance of applying Mindfulness to our daily living (work, family etc) with an emphasis on Mental Health awareness and better living.

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Mon-Fri  10am-6pm


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